
The Secrets Of Working Successfully With Family-Owned Businesses

“Helping families create and govern a values driven business.”

(CEU and CPA Credit-Approved)

Program Overview

Family Business Consultants, Executive coaches and Certified Public Accountants who attend this interactive, in-person 15 hour program will learn a framework for understanding and working successfully with family owned businesses developed by Dr. JoAnne Norton, a family business consultant for 15 years. Dr. Norton has worked with 200+ family business owners throughout the United States and Canada. She will also draw on the research of the Family Firm Institute and the work of Murray Bowen in Family Systems Theory.

According to the latest data from the Family Firm Institute, family owned businesses create an estimated 70%-90% of global GDP. In the United States, Family firms comprise 80% to 90% of all business enterprises. In Canada and Europe the statistics range from 38% to 90%.

This significant area of business consulting and executive coaching practice has theoretical, ethical, legal, and methodological issues beyond traditional developmental coaching and business consulting engagements. Executive and business coaches and CPAs working with family owned businesses must be knowledgeable of the significant differences in how these businesses operate as well as the complexity of challenges they face. These include governance of both the business and the family as separate entities, management focus and leadership styles.

For instance, family business owners need to distinguish and balance their personal goals from the needs of the business and their desire to leave a legacy to their family and society in general. Complicating this is the fact that each family member may have a different set of values and goals creating a serious lack of alignment in the leadership of the business and dissension in the family.

Participants in this program will learn how to help families be more successful managing these issues and how to succeed from one generation to the next.

Learning Objectives

  • Areas of conflict between family and business systems in regard to purpose, goals, strategic orientation, management focus, key stakeholders, relationships, rules, evaluations, succession, authority and how the business is perceived by the owners
  • How to create family owner awareness of the significant differences between successful outcomes for the family and for the business
  • How to structure business consulting (CPAs), and executive coaching to work with family owners, family members and non-family executives
  • How to establish different visions and missions for the three distinct areas of family, ownership, and business
  • How the critical advisor team (CPA’s Executive Coaches, Attorneys and business process consultants) can develop a coordinated family-owner driven collaboration
  • How to help family owners be more successful and fulfilled in both the family and the business
  • Consulting/Coaching agreement language related to outcomes, confidentiality, and risk
  • How to structure and facilitate a family retreat

Continuing Education: Certified Public Accountants

  • This program meets the provider requirements outlined in sections 88.1 and 88.2 of the California Board of Accountancy Regulations for 15 CPUs. Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion to be awarded by CUSTOMatrix in accordance with the requirements of the California Board of Accountancy.

Continuing Education: Executive and Business Coaches

  • This program has been approved by the International Coach Federation for 7 Core Competency and 8 Resource Development CEUs.
  • This program has been approved for Board Certified Coach (BCC) continuing education by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE).
  • Certified Public Accounts will receive a Certificate of Participation to be awarded by CUSTOMatrix in accordance with the requirements of the California Board of Accountancy.



Corporate Alliance
9171 Towne Centre Dr (Barney and Barney Building)
Suite #180
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 255-5998


November 6-7, 2014
7:30am – 8:15am Sign in and breakfast
8:15am – 6:00pm Program

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JoAnne Norton, Ed.D.
JoAnne Norton, Ed.D.
Consulting with multi-generational family businesses for well over 15 years, Dr. Norton is an expert in the areas of family governance, communication, succession planning and leadership training. She was Vice President of Shareholder Relations of a large family-owned media company where she worked with 65 family owners for 13 years. Dr. Norton founded the Family Business Dynamics course at California State University (CSU), Fullerton and was an adjunct professor in the School of Business and Economics for 7 years. She continues to serve on the Advisory Board of the CSU Family Business Center. Dr. Norton earned a doctorate in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University, and she trained at the Georgetown Family Center in the Postgraduate Program in Bowen Family Systems Theory. She wrote “Bringing Bowen Theory to Family Business,” which appears in Bringing Systems Thinking to Life.

Dr. Norton is a member of the prestigious Family Business Consulting Group, headquartered in Chicago. She was Director of Leadership Training for the Orange County Register. She is a speaker for Vistage in the United States and T.E.C. in Canada and has made presentations for the National Banking Institute, the New York Family Business Center, the University of Wisconsin’s Family Business Center, and the Family Business Network in Cannes, France.

JoAnne grew up in a successful second-generation family business in the Midwest where she learned the complexities of maintaining harmonious relationships as well as the importance of maintaining good communication by observing her father, mother and two uncles. She lives in Irvine, California with her husband Brian.


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