Leadership and operations coaching turn around call center customer service.
During Space Bag’s acquisition by ITW, they naturally experienced shifts in leadership and sales structures. In particular, while Space Bag’s model had focused primarily on retail sales, direct sales began to grow, thereby impacting their call center’s operations. Additionally, with the arrival of new leadership, Space Bag identified a need for coaching to assist with the transition. As a result, Space Bag turned to CUSTOMatrix for assistance in both operations and executive leadership consulting.
Understanding the intrinsic connection between operations and leadership, CUSTOMatrix’s multidisciplinary team approached Space Bag’s challenges from both perspectives. Working with Space Bag’s management, we completed a set of world-class personality and 360 assessments to get feedback and identify performance goals. Assessing leadership competencies and difficulties, CUSTOMatrix was able to identify the best course of action for customer service management. Additionally, in working with the call center team, we provided solutions for their issues with processes, protocol, technology and oversight.
Space Bag initially thought they would have to subcontract out their call center functions. However, with expert advice and assistance from our operations executives, they found the best solution was to maintain their call center in-house. We provided solutions for updating and improving their technology, customer service training and operational systems. Moreover, taking it one step further, we provided Space Bag with on-the-ground coaching, to ensure a seamless and smooth transition to these new processes and systems. And by working with Space Bag’s customer service management, we helped make sure that the required roles were aligned with the appropriate leaders, optimizing team performance and success.
About ITW Space Bag
ITW Space Bag offers a line of vacuum-seal storage bags that are sold through more than 15,000 retailers and in more than 60 countries worldwide. Space Bag was first popularized through infomercials and is now sold in virtually every channel of distribution in the U.S. More than 100 million Space Bag products have been sold in the past 15 years.
CUSTOMatrix provided us with the tools and means to elevate our Customer Service department to a new standard of excellence. By providing perspectives from more than one discipline, they helped in broadening our understanding of the options and contributed to a positive outcome.
Betty Jamieson-Dunne, Director of Marketing
ITW Space Bag